Sibling Poll
Friday, February 28, 2020

Spring 2020 - Date TBD

Family Network Thames Valley is working on partnerships with local developmental service providers to create a series of facilitated conversations designed specifically for siblings.

Siblings fill a unique roll in the caregiving dynamic. Because you are not parents, and are also more than just a friend, there is a different dynamic with you than might exist with other caregivers. And there are a lot of big conversations that families need to have around mental health, the future, and well being that siblings often take the lead on because of this unique relationship.

Does this ring true to you? Are you looking to connect with others in this role? As we plan, we want to know from you what conversations matter the most. What is urgent? What is most necessary?

Please consider taking this poll. It’s only four short questions and will go a long way to helping us design these conversations so they are as relevant and accessible as possible!

Sibling Poll Survey

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