Uncovering the People's History
Saturday, September 21, 2019

9am - 4pm
Unitarian Fellowship of London
557 Clarke Rd, London, ON

The 'Uncovering the People's History' project is a concentrated effort to deepen the public's understanding of the impact of the institutionalization model on people, families, and the community. It was designed to foster an understanding around Canada's poignant history of institutionalization of people with developmental disabilities by inviting the sharing of stories from the survivors of this models and their family and loved ones.

In this event, survivors from southwestern Ontario and their supporters come together to share these stories publicly in a day of community and engagement. This story telling will come in many forms and be thoughtfully facilitated by Susannah Joyce, director of Realizations Training and Resources.

Registration for this event has not yet opened. If you are interested in this event and wish to be involved in the planning as a volunteers, or wish to be notified when registration is open, please consider joining our mailing list or emailing Nadine Hiemstra, coordinator of FNTV, at info@fntv.ca.

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