Sara's Story
Monday, April 29, 2019

Sara is the first to tell you that she has a busy life. Between her three jobs, volunteer position, dance classes, competitive rhythmic gymnastics meet ups, church commitments and hobbies like singing and internet research on life and relationships, she's got plenty on the go. It didn't all come naturally, though – it took some hard work and lots of connections to make her vibrant life possible. Following high school, Sara's mom Thea went out and pounded the pavement, asking lots of questions about what came next for Sara. It was a tough transition – with no clear answers about what came after high school, every season came with new changes to the routine, interrupting family work schedules and making transportation an issue.

Sara's pretty settled in her routine now. In fact, she knows better than anybody when things are scheduled for, and typically is the one to double check transportation and rides. She loves her work at the local bakery, Christian bookstore, and farmer's market vegetable stand. Each one opens up opportunity for her to visit with her community and contribute something to others. When asked what community means for her, Sara's answer is "Community for me means that I have a lot of people who really, really love me...I want to give my heart to community and I want to try my best everyday. If I'm a part of the community, I can do what I can do for them."

The last year has been a difficult one for Sara and her family, as her mom was diagnosed with cancer and passed away a few months later. Though there are no easy ways forward, the community that the whole family built for Sara and themselves throughout her life is stepping forward to make sure that Sara doesn't lose out on life because of the loss of her mom. And through it all, Sara keeps singing, explaining that "I love singing to God. It really helps me to worship him and express my feelings to God. And it sounds like I hear angels singing to me, and I hear mom's voice singing to me too from heaven."

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